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Forum Posts

Resolved! Check and Listen to Voicemail via Communication Panel?

Hi together, I got a lot of questions about how to check and listen to voicemail using the Communication Panel. In CDT you have an notification icon about new VoiceMails at personal or queue level where the agent has access rights. I didn't find anyt...

Change default voicemail greetings

Hi, Is there a way to change the system default voicemail greetings for the whole system in Sinch Contact Pro cloud? In the documentation, the way presented is to record a new greeting by dialing the voicemail box number to record a new greeting. Nor...

parkerr by Contributor
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Resolved! Voicemail as attachment to email notification

Hi, We have a requirement to attach the voicemail recording to the email notification since managing queue voicemails from voicemail inbox is not easy. Can this be achieved via system configurator? Additionally, a voicemail queue that displays voicem...

parkerr by Contributor
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