If you are submitting a bind request (SMPP bind_req), and are unable to establish a connection, the cause may be because:
You are trying to bind more times than your account allows per bind type (Tx, Rx or TRx), which means that Digital Interconnect respond with a rejection and a 'Maximum Sessions Exceeded' message will be recorded in the SMPP log files.
You are trying to bind in too early, before the previous session has timed out on the Digital Interconnect side. When you try to bind again, the previous session is still seen as alive and so the bind request is rejected because of the existing live sessions.
When you attempt to bind again, the bind request is rejected because you have reached the maximum number of binds. This will continue until either:
You manage to log out cleanly from your live session (a confirmed unbind) before attempting to bind again
You drop the session long enough for it to time out on the Digital Interconnect side
You restart the application from your end. You must wait for at least a minute, and then you should be able to successfully bind, because all the live and 'dead' connections that were holding SMPP server resources when trying to bind repeatedly will have been released.
When bind issues happen, you must disconnect from all established binds originating from the same IP address, and wait at least one minute before attempting to reconnect (the time-out period is 1 minute from the last traffic sent or received from the IP address). This will ensure that the Digital Interconnect SMPP server can correctly time out and release any threads, sessions and resources that are held for the binds allocated to your account. Once these resources are released your new binds should connect correctly and the resources will be correctly managed.
If you find you still cannot connect, please contact the Digital Interconnect Service Desk. Please refer to the Digital Interconnect Customer Support Document for full details of the Support Process and the guidelines for determining what information you need to include in your ticket email.
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