since ‎08-13-2020

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Contact Pro cloud and on-premise versions have dependency to Apache Tomcat component, which has been reported as vulnerable. This component is used in Communication Panel, Data Protection Officer (DPO), and Dashboard. However, neither the cloud nor t...
We've identified a significant change in Microsoft ODBC Driver version 18 that causes database connection failures due to certificate-related errors. When testing the connection, you receive the following error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Ser...
Here’s some compelling reading for the holiday season to help you gear up for the first release of 2025: Show and Tell What's new We'll publish the full 25Q1 product documentation on January 10, 2025.
Another quarterly release is approaching! We now have the Show and Tell slide deck illustrating the content of the upcoming release 24Q4. Additionally, the What's new document is available for you to see the changes and fixes made. The full 24Q4 prod...
The following table will list released hotfixes for Sinch Contact Pro on-premise version FP20. To download the hotfixes, go to . Hotfix number Affected components Description OII Collection of OII...