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Sinch CC On-Premise

Frequent Contributor


I see that most of the discussions here are related to the cloud version. So my question is, am I in the right community forum to ask questions and discuss matters regarding the On-Premise version 🙂 ?

I see the new features that are coming to cloud version and can't wait to get my hands on them with On-premise.


Kind regards,

Alder Tsvetkov

Application administrator



Occasional Contributor

Hi Jukka,


2019 SQL enterprise installed for Contact Center DB and working well so far. Installed SQL 2019 standard for reporting , however it installed with little concerns due to reporting being a separate install and not part of the roles as in SQL 2016 and older. The only thing  am struggling with is that no reports are visible or writing to the reporting database and the logs are clean. Ill keep at it for a while longer otherwise will revert to SQL 2016 for reporting. If you have any ideas please let me know.





Hi Taariq,

could you solve this issue in the meanwhile?

BR Thomas

Hi Jukka,


I saw that for FP18 SQL Server 2019 is still not supported.

Could you estimate when we have the official information that SQL 2019 is supported?

All our customers with Windows 2012 / SQL 2012 want to switch to Windows 2019 / SQL 2019 this year.




Frequent Contributor

Hi Thomas,


If I'm reading it correctly then FP18 does support SQL Server 2019:


Kind regards,


No, this is Windows Server 2019.


Thomas refers to MS SQL 2019 and I face the same requirement from my customers.

I believe the oncoming FP19 will have this support but we will see...



Hi Alder,


thanks for your answer.

At your link I can only see that Windows Server 2019 is supported, but at SQL server I can see "Microsoft SQL Server* 2012, 2014, or 2016".

It's the same to FP18 ICL list.


Best regards,


Frequent Contributor

Yes, you are correct. I didn't scroll down enough :).




Hi Guys, 


We are aiming to bring SQL2019 support with FP19. Already with FP18 few partners have tested SQL2019 and reported that all good, expect reporting does not install without small modifications into install script. Those are available in community already. 


What comes to FP19 timeline, the plan at the moment is to do it based on cloud 22q3 release and would mean that release is after summer. 


Jukka Suhonen, Contact Pro Product Owner

Occasional Contributor

Hi All,


Just to let everyone know I manage to get windows 2016 server ,  SQL 2019 working on Rls 7.0.17 for both Sinch DB and Reporting.  I then tried windows 2019 server with SQL 2019(enterprise) and that too is working on rls 7.0.17.  I also managed to get an existing SAP SQL 2012 Reporting DB imported into sql 2019 for historical reporting purposes and that too is working. The only issue we are having at the moment is that on server 2019 and sql2019 the DB cluster takes long to fail over - We logged a call with Microsoft who is assisting us in resolving this issue. On the windows 2016 server with SQL 2019 redundancy is working seamlessly.


I also need to thank Jukka for assisting with the reporting issue earlier when I was busy with Windows server 2016 and SQL 2019




Happy to help and thank you for valuable help! Also an update this topic: based on the feedback from our partners we did speed up things and we will announce support for SQL 2019 with FP18 shortly. Likely this will happen before end of the week or latest early next week. Keep an eye on announcements part of Contact Pro community. 


Ps. doesn't mean that things wont work with older releases, but because of maintenance responsibility we needed to draw the line here. 

Jukka Suhonen, Contact Pro Product Owner