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Forum Posts

10DLC Requirements and Issue?

Hi, I started using this server strictly to send custom automated alerts to friends and family. The "test" setup that required phone verification was perfect for me. And despire like a dozen attempts I can't get a 10DLC application past automated rej...

When will my campaign be ready

I submitted a request for a 10LC campaign: It's 12 days already, any ETA when it will be approved? 01hwv6yh4m53tjsanscdtygafp BDCEU2I Business Sentiment Campaign 1 DELIVERY_NOTIFICATION Pending Review 2024 - 05 - 01

msoong by New Contributor
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10DLC Review Pending

Hi, I have had a 10DLC campaign pending review since 3/13/24. Campaign ID - 01hrwh3nbpfs09n8msdpezvz2z Brand ID - BZIMWE3 How do I get my campaign reviewed?

envite by New Contributor
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Resolved! 10DLC and Account questions

Hello, I have a few questions before using your product. 10DLC questions: what fields are required for 10dlc registration? what is an approval time? is it possible to resubmit the application? what is the chance of blocking Brand and what are the rea...

volodymyr by New Contributor
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