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What new Sinch Contact Pro features would you like to see?


Hello Sinch Contact Pro customers and system integration (SI)  partners. As we move forward toward the end of 2022 and the Holiday Season,  we wanted to check with you -- our valuable customers and implementation partners -- to see which new product features and capabilities are on your Christmas wish list for 2023?

  • Does your organization have a need to run Sinch Contact Pro on mobile devices such as tablets to enable non-traditional contact center users (perhaps retail store employees) to respond to customer chats, SMS, or WhatsApp messages from a mobile device?
  • Are you looking for advanced AI capabilities to help increase agent efficiency and provide a better customer experience -- such as auto-proposing relevant email and chat reply templates?
  • Are you using other BI tools than SAP Business Objects and/or SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) such as PowerBI or Tableau and want to view your Sinch Contact Pro reporting in these other tools?
  • Would you like integration with Microsoft Teams in order to more easily transfers customer conversations from the contact center to back-office professionals?
  • Do you have other wish list items that you'd love to see added to Sinch Contact Pro? 

Let us know! 


John Burton, Senior Director Product Management


iOS and Android apps for CC application is asked by clients very often. Mostly it is required by sales teams who are constantly on the move and use mobile phones as their main tool for communication.

Best regards,
Roman Errapart

Occasional Contributor

My Wishlist 😁



  • Native app for retail/store users for sure (iPhone/Honeywell devices)
  • Add logs into System Configurator (e.g., error system logs)
  • Make System Configurator available for MacBook users


  • As an administrator I would like to add Global Dashboards which everyone can access so they don't have to add their own widgets. 
  • As a Dashboard user I would like to have different tabs with "Home" view based on global dashboards and own user specific dashboards
  • Be able to listen to calls directly via Dashboard
  • Be able to read emails and chat conversations directly via Dashboard
  • Add your own Quality Management tool in Dashboard to evaluate interactions
  • Be able to create your own user groups by selecting a set of queues and then add a user specific filter. e.g., sales + service + chat = user specific filter. This would then be used to create filters in the widgets. 
  • Be able to delete one or more interactions
  • Be able to automatically delete emails in System Configurator via Key Words
  • Add filters for e.g., rejected interactions
  • Add ML features to get sentiment score and trends for all channels
  • Add ML features to find tag set of what customers are "talking" about. e.g., "Get invoice copy". 
  • Add reporting data on IVR level and not only queue

Communication Panel

  • Assign queues based on user profile which is reflected in Dashboard (known bug since way back)
  • Add "OPUS" as call compression to reduce load on network
  • Drop down with number you want to call out from instead of using queue number+CALLANI
  • Automatic SAVE of emails while typing to avoid issues if connections is broken/lost


  • Add possibility to add emails via POST API request (e.g., customers creating emails via forms online)
  • Option to remove/delete stuck interactions on phone, chat, email with a POST request
  • Add "Schedules" so we can see if we have opened or not (e.g. expose current opening hours online)


I have been a good customer this year 🎅


- Tobias 

Tobias Zackrisson
Elkjop Nordic AS


More modern and user friendly reporting environment. The users of reporting environment should be managed in SC. The reporting environment must have similar SSO as CP/Dashboard has.

Best regards,
Roman Errapart


Thank you for your wish lists! From now on, please create a ticket for feature requests. This way we can have them listed in our system and know who to contact if we have any additional questions.


Kind regards,