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Depending on how your customer responds to your campaign, you can use an intent to trigger a certain flow


To connect your chatbot to a campaign:

  1. Create a campaign. For instance, a campaign where you ask users if they're interested in a promotion.
  2. Define an intent that will trigger that campaign. For instance, a 'yes' intent.
  3. Connect that intent to your flow. For example, drag and drop the 'yes' intent to the canvas. Connect it to the next block. 


Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 17.30.38.png


4. Train your bot to make sure that the intent is recognized.

5. Test your bot to see the result.



IMG_2192 (2).jpg

Best practice

Try to use a different response, for example, for each campaign. If your customer needs to respond "yes" for a certain deal in one campaign, that means the "Yes" intent should only be used for that specific campaign. An intent can only be triggered once to initiate a flow.


See also:

[New bot builder] Add an intent to your bot

[New bot builder] Recognize expressions with intents

[New bot builder] Train your bot


Version history
Last update:
‎01-02-2024 04:21 AM
Updated by: