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There are four common scenarios with various timelines depending on the complexity of the process:


  1. Customer creates 10DLC brand and campaign registration (via customer dashboard or Campaign Registration API) and buys a number from Sinch:  3-5 business days*
    • Sinch reviews and approves the campaign
    • Sinch registers brand and campaign in The Campaign Registry (TCR)
    • Sinch provisions the number for the 10DLC campaign in industry routing databases and in carrier platforms

  2. Customer handles 10DLC campaign registration in TCR and buys a number from Sinch:  3-5 business days*
    • Customer registers brand and campaign in TCR and selects Sinch as their "connectivity partner" (CNP)
    • Sinch reviews and accepts the campaign
    • Customer configures number with TCR campaign ID (via customer dashboard or Numbers API)
    • Sinch provisions the number for the 10DLC campaign in industry routing databases and in carrier platforms

  3. Customer creates 10DLC brand and campaign registration (via customer dashboard or Campaign Registration API) and wants to port or host number their existing number: 3-12 business days* 
    • Sinch reviews and approves the campaign
    • Sinch registers brand and campaign in The Campaign Registry (TCR)
    • Depending on the porting/hosting scenario, this could increase the SLA. Is it just SMS or SMS and Voice? There are many moving parts to porting a number, and if the number/hosting order for SMS gets "stuck", the Service Implementation team will need to step in and open a case with NetNumber using the LOA that was signed during the process, requesting to move the number to Sinch. (The team is alerted the same day). This process is typically resolved in 3 business days. However, if the opposing provider rejects the port request, we will provide the reasoning and next steps to your account manager, which could delay the process. 
    • Once the number has been moved to Sinch,  Sinch provisions the number for the 10DLC campaign in industry routing databases and in carrier platforms. 

  4. Customer handles 10DLC campaign registration in TCR and wants to port or host their existing number: 3-12 business days*
    • Customer registers brand and campaign in TCR and selects Sinch as their "connectivity partner" (CNP)
    • Sinch reviews and accepts the campaign
    • Depending on the porting/hosting scenario, this could increase the SLA. Is it just SMS or SMS and Voice? There are many moving parts to porting a number, and if the number/hosting order for SMS gets "stuck", the Service Implementation team will need to step in and open a case with NetNumber using the LOA that was signed during the process, requesting to move the number to Sinch. (The team is alerted the same day). This process is typically resolved in 3 business days. However, if the opposing provider rejects the port request, we will provide the reasoning and next steps to your account manager, which could delay the process. 
    • Customer configures number with TCR campaign ID (via customer dashboard or Numbers API)
    • Sinch provisions the number for the 10DLC campaign in industry routing databases and in carrier platforms.


Visit the Sinch 10DLC Product Page to learn more or if you need more help with 10DLC or have any questions, contact Sinch, who will be happy help!

Version history
Last update:
‎02-12-2025 07:12 AM
Updated by: