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When you purchase a number from Sinch and then decide to release (or delete) the number, Sinch will wait until end of the current billing cycle before releasing the number. During this interim period (before the end of the current billing cycle) the number may still be recoverable in certain scenarios. Following the end of the billing cycle the number will be placed into quarantine for 10 days, after which time the number will be made "available" for new customers.


To release a Sinch number, take the following steps:


  1. Select Numbers from the left menu and click the Your virtual numbers option. The Your virtual numbers page is displayed:

    ReleaseNumber Fig 1.jpg

    This page displays a list of your virtual numbers. Click on the number you want to release.

  2. The number details page is displayed:

    ReleaseNumber Fig 2.jpg

    Click RELEASE NUMBER to release the number.

Recovering a released number

In certain scenarios a released number may still be recoverable:

  • If you released a number but then they decided you still want to keep it
  • If you want to recover a previously deleted number that is no longer active.

In both these circumstances, please raise a support ticket and share all the details of your request. The linked article provides comprehensive instructions on how to create a support ticket.

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Version history
Last update:
‎04-25-2024 02:58 AM
Updated by: