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The Conversation API uses OAuth2 tokens for authentication, which can be obtained from an OAuth2 token endpoint. To authenticate, a client_id (or KEY ID) and client_secret (or KEY SECRET) are used.  You can generate new Access Keys, each with a new KEY ID and KEY SECRET, at any time.


To create a new Access Key:


  1. Log in to the Sinch Customer Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to your Access key list. The location of your Access key list depends on whether you are using the beta version or the legacy version of the Sinch Customer Dashboard.

    • If you are using the beta version of the Customer Dashboard, you can usually find Access Keys under Account Settings, which can be accessed under your profile icon.

    • If you are using the legacy version of the Customer Dashboard, you can usually find Access keys under the Settings. 

  3. Follow the steps described our Sinch Access Keys article under the heading How do I create new Access Keys. These steps are summarized below:

    1. In the Access key list section, click NEW KEY to create a new key. Enter a display name for your key and click CONFIRM.

    2. The Key is created and the Key ID and Key Secret are displayed. Copy the Key ID and Key Secret. Click CONFIRM.

      Important! You must copy and store the Key Secret that is generated. You won't be able to retrieve it again once you’ve created the key.

    3. You are returned to the Access keys page where your new key is displayed in the Access key list section.

If you have any questions, contact Sinch or to reach out to your Sinch Account Manager


Version history
Last update:
‎11-09-2023 08:49 AM
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