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Here are the top reasons Sinch may reject your campaign, and what you should do to avoid them:


  • Insufficient opt-in: This means that you failed to convey how you get consent from the end user to send messages. Make sure you show the opt-in from the end-user's perspective. For example, if your opt-in happens to be online, you must specify where on the website the opt-in occurs and showing clear and visible language where the customer understands giving their phone number means they are signing up to receive SMS. Opt-in language in Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy is NOT considered compliant opt-in. 
  • End-business and ISV/Reseller information mismatch: This means you as an ISV (Independent Software Vendor) are providing messaging services on behalf of the actual end-business and filling your information rather than the client, whose business/brand will be on the actual messages. ISV/Resellers would need to provide your client's business information instead of your own when filling out the TFN Verified Sender Form. 
  • Insufficient privacy policy: This means it's not clear in your privacy policy that you won't share or sell the end user's personal info to a third party for marketing purposes. It is important to review a business’s privacy policy (if present on the business’s main website) to ensure all applicable messaging terms and conditions (e.g., how to opt-out, customer care contact information,...etc.) are covered. 
  • Lack of consistency between use case, opt-in and message content: This means the business use case summary does not match the opt-in agreement and/or message content provided in the form. The goal is to have the submission clearly states what messages a Toll-Free Number will be sending and the opt in should gather consent properly per use case. Message content should match the use case and opt-in agreement. If the business will be sending 2 or more use cases for a single TFN, then please select "Mixed" and provide an in-depth explanation on exactly what service the program is providing to its customers and the purpose of the brand's messages. Each use case has to have their own separate opt-in agreement for consent because users have the ability to agree to what kind of messages they would like to receive.


If Sinch rejects your Toll-Free Verification, we will provide a rejection reason with further explanation. In most cases, after addressing the reason for the rejection, you can resubmit your campaign to Sinch for review. Refer to Why was my Toll-Free Verification rejected and can I resubmit? article for a detailed explanation of these rejection(s) and corrective action(s). 

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Last update:
‎02-12-2025 10:43 AM
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