When using RCS to send an image with description, the description sometimes gets truncated meaning the user can’t see the entire text. Is there any way to show the complete text or do we have any guidance on the character numbers we need to use, to guarantee that the full text is readable?
It is important to reconsider what type of card you use when sending rich messages. There are several card layouts that reduce the image size to allow for additional description or if you need more buttons.
Google provide the following advice for rendering messages on Android handsets:
For example, if your description is being truncated to 2 lines (a version of #2 above) we would recommend that you reduce the description length if possible.
You can also experiment with different size media as rich cards can be driven by image size. Refer to the Aspect ratio/limitations of media in a rich cards article for more information.
Watch the video below to learn how to start sending RCS messages with Sinch:
After registering your sender agent with Sinch, the video tutorial guides you through the set up process on the Sinch Dashboard.
You can learn how to send different types of RCS messages from the developer perspective and review what that looks like in real-time when it comes to what your customer will be seeing on their handset.
To learn more you can read our comprehensive developer documentation for RCS, which shows you how to build your business' RCS experience.