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Each RCS agent is required to have a predefined use case that reflects the nature of the conversations it is intended to have with end users and to help businesses comply with business rules. RCS for Business supports four primary use cases:


One-time passwords required to securely authenticate an account or confirm a transaction.


Notifications, updates or alerts to share information directly relevant to a customer's existing services or products, such as alerts for suspicious account activities, purchase confirmations, and shipping notifications.


Sales, marketing and promotional messages to new or existing customers, with the objective to increase awareness, engagement and sales.


Conversational flows that combine transactional and promotional use cases, such as sending an account notification and then offering a discount or upgrade for a new product and service.

Refer to the Choose the right use case article on the Google developers site, for a more details about when to use each use case.

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Last update:
‎02-13-2025 02:20 AM
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