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All RCS agents must go through verification and approval as part of the launch process. This is key to the security of RCS for Business and enables the messages to come from a verified sender. 


RCS Agents can be submitted for approval and launch on one or more carriers. The steps and criteria for launch differ depending on the carriers selected:

  • Some carriers are managed by Google. Agents submitted for launch on these carriers are reviewed by Google and if all criteria are met, approved by them for launch. Google will connect with someone who works at the brand to verify details. 
  • Other carriers approve and manage their own agent launches. Google is not involved in this process. Each carrier has their own process for approval and launch and may require additional information beyond what Google requires. 


Note that regardless of who manages the agent it will be un-launched if it is determined to violate Google’s Acceptable Use Policy. 


Sinch is working closely with Google and Carriers around the world to support and manage RCS for Business launches. Please contact Sinch if you have any questions or to want to know how get started. 

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Last update:
‎02-13-2025 03:43 AM
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