Comprehensive glossary of mobile industry terminology
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Originating Address. See Message originator.
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Operator Charging Gateway - This is a mediation billing platform that enables mobile content providers to charge subscribers from any connected mobile network directly to their mobile phone bill.
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Open Database Connectivity - This is a standard or open application programming interface (API) for accessing a database.
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On-net is a term used to describe a message delivered by the home network to a subscriber on that network. In other words, a message is delivered via a terminating operator to its own subscriber. For example, sending a message to a Telstra Australia subscriber directly to Telstra Australia. The message was delivered on-net.
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A one-hop connection is another name for an operator.
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One-way messaging refers to a particular type of messaging campaign which involves the sender sending a message in a format such as SMS without giving the user the ability to reply. The main way to accomplish one-way messaging is through an Alphanumeric Sender ID.   One way messaging is useful for applications such as marketing campaigns, where you want to "get the message out" to a wide range of recipients without having your number bombarded with replies. 
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An organization focused to mobile wireless network standards. Also referred to as OMA.
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An operator in a country that messages are delivered to.
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Identification Number for an operator in the billing system.
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This is pricing to send messages to end-users of an operator in a specific country.
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The process where a Subscriber provides explicit consent, after receiving Notice from the Mobile Marketer.
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The process through which a Subscriber revokes consent after receiving Notice from the Mobile Marketer. An example of an Opt-out process includes, but is not limited to, a Subscriber replying to an SMS message with the phrase “STOP.”
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A process by which a Subscriber may exercise his or her right to Opt-out.
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A unique message identification number. Internally a decimal value but in some applications the corresponding hexadecimal value is used.
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The originator of an SMS is the label describing who or where an SMS is sent from. The most common originator is a mobile number (MSISDN), as this is what is displayed when an SMS is sent from a mobile handset.   Read the What are alphanumeric sender IDs? article to learn more.
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Overide Service Registry (OSR) is a database managed by NetNumber, and this determines the routing for a number based on the NNID assigned for the number in the OSR database.
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An Over the Air (OTA) SMS is an SMS message that is frequently used by mobile operators to provision or modify core network settings on a handset. These messages are used to optimize configuration settings e.g. SMS Service Center, web settings, or to provision new services such as MMS.
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Over the Top (OTT) messages are messages that flow through the data network of a mobile operator as opposed to the core network. OTT suggests something that flows ‘over the top’ of the core network. For example, a P2P SMS message travels through the core signalling infrastructure of a mobile operator, where a WhatsApp message will flow through the data connection of a mobile operator (just like any other data). In this context a WhatsApp message is regarded as an OTT message.
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