Workspace is the view where all communication between an agent and a customer happens. It includes the following parts, from left to right.
My conversations
An agent can see all conversations assigned to them in this list.
For each item in the list, you can see:
- Customer identity: the name of the customer if known, otherwise the unique customer identity for the channel is shown, for example, phone number for WhatsApp
- Message preview: a preview of the latest message in the conversation
- Avatar: a randomly colored circle with customer’s initials
- Red dot: If there are unanswered messages in the conversation, you'll see a red dot on the avatar.
- Wait time: On the right, time passed since the customer’s oldest unanswered message is displayed. If the last message is from the agent, the answered symbol is shown instead of time stamp.
- Colored line: On the left, you may see a vertical line that is:
- yellow when the alert limit of customer wait time has been reached
- red when the warning limit of customer wait time has been reached
- blue when the last message that was sent to the customer was sent by a bot.
To open a conversation, select it from My conversations.
Chat panel
In the middle of the workspace you'll find the chat panel. It contains a header with information and actions, the conversation transcript and, at the bottom, the input field for agents to write and send new messages.
The header of the chat panel contains information about the channel, customer name, and status of the conversation. The status of the conversation could, for example, include who it is assigned to, if it is postponed, ended or handled by a bot. The header also includes a set of actions an agent can use on the open conversation:
- End: Mark a conversation as ended when it's considered complete. This removes it from My conversations and you can instead find it in All conversations under the Ended tab.
- Assign: Assign the conversation to an agent, reassign it, or unassign it.
Mark answered: Mark any conversation as answered, even without having to send a message to the customer.
Bot: Activate or deactivate a bot.
Postpone: Postpone the handling of a conversation to a later date or time. A postponed conversation will not be visible in My conversations while it’s postponed, but can be found in All conversations under the Postponed tab. Once the time selected is reached, the conversation will again be visible in My conversations in Workspace.
Search: Search for specific words within the current conversation.
The transcript contains all messages between an agent and customer for this conversation. Next to agent messages there is a plus icon
where the agent can suggest the message to be used as a reply template.
Input field
The input field is where an agent writes messages. A message is sent either by pressing enter or using the send button
. Below the input field, there are options to:
Send WhatsApp message template: If a message from customer has not been responded to within 24 hours, it can only be responded to using a pre-registered WhatsApp message template.
Send file: Send a file attachment to your customer, for example, picture, video, or PDF.
Send reply template: Select from available reply templates, defined by the admin.
Add emoji: Add an emoji to your message.
Send voice message: Record a voice message to send to the customer.
Extension area
On the right in Workspace you'll find the extension area. It is designed to quickly give agents relevant context information of the current customer and conversation, and it provides tools that can be useful when responding to conversations. Extensions can be resized or rearranged using drag and drop to fit the specific needs of each agent. The layout options depend on your screen size. Each extension is a panel with a specific purpose:
- Reply templates: predefined messages that the agent can use to answer more efficiently
- Customer details: view and edit saved information specific to the customer
- Conversation details: view and edit tags and notes specific to the current conversation
- Conversation history: view all previous conversations with the same customer
On the far right, you'll see the extension menu, where extensions can be enabled or disabled by clicking their icons. Enabling or disabling an extension only decides if it should be shown or not, it doesn’t change or delete any information and can be changed at any point in time. You can see the name of the corresponding extension by bringing your cursor over each icon.