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If you are an Application Service Provider (ASP) for Sinch Products, and you want to set up the Facebook Messenger channel on a Conversation API app for one of your customers, you must provide a way for your customer to connect their Facebook Page to the Conversation API app. You can do so by adding a Facebook Login button to your site. When you give a customer access to this button, they'll be able to provide the account information required to complete the configuration of the Facebook Messenger channel on the Conversation API app.


In order to add a Login button:

  1. Follow the Facebook SDK for JavaScript guide. When populating the field for application ID, use one of the following values (based on the region for which you configured the app):

    - For the US region, set 373040934451540 as your application ID.

    - For the EU region, set 534018227670344 as your application ID.

  2. Follow the Login Button guide to add a Login button to your app.

  3. Reach out to your Sinch contact to provide the domain of the site to which you added the button. Your Sinch contact will ensure that the domain is not blocked.

Learn more about the Facebook Messenger channel of the Conversation API.

Version history
Last update:
‎05-31-2022 01:19 PM
Updated by: