Thank you, it works successfully, but the sound is coming through the phone. If I want it to play directly through the speaker, how can I do that?
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I am encountering issues when trying to upload Apple Signing Keys (.p8).
Despite creating the keys multiple times on the Apple Developer website,
the system consistently shows a "Failed to upload Apple Signing Keys"
I can't find the Application ID in the dashboard. If you mean the
Application name, it's "iTalk".If you mean the bundle identifier, it is
"com.keynovation.italk"."O'Neil Edwards" from your support team has
contacted me, but the issue is not resolved ...
I am trying to use the Notifications services of the In-app Voice &
Video SDKs. I need to upload the Apple Signing Keys (.p8) for Apple
APNs. I have contacted for 3 days but have received no
response yet. The system shows 'Failed to...