Customers have two properties by default: number: Number is an identification number that depends on the channel. For example, WhatsApp uses phone number and Telegram uses numerical ID for identification. name: Engage usually retrieves the name of the customer from the channel automatically. To store more information about the customer and provide your agents with a better view, create additional customer properties. Additionally, customer properties can be used for grouping your customers so that you can create different audiences for different purposes. To create a customer property: Go to Customers > Customer properties. Click the plus button to add a new property. In the Name field, enter the property's technical name (no spaces allowed) and, in the Label field, the property name to be displayed to users. Select the property type (see descriptions below) and whether the property is shown to the customer and the agent. Select an Access control for users. Click CREATE. Property types are: Number: a series of digits that can include a decimal separator. For example, 3.1415926 or 65535. Text: for example "Champ de Mars, 5 Av. Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France" Word: a series of letters and digits, no spaces allowed. For example: "ClassOf2023". Single choice: one selected option from the set defined by the admin. For example, one favorite color from the set of red, blue, green, cyan, magenta, yellow, grey, white, and black. Multiple choice: same as single choice but more than one option can be selected Location: a location on Google Maps. You can use the Google Maps widget to select it. Date: date only, no time Time: time in the format of hours and minutes, no seconds If the property is shown to the agent, the agent can modify it in the Customer details extension at Conversations > Workspace. If the property is shown to the customer, they can modify it by opening a page with the customer data. The customer can request the URL for the page by sending you a text message with the text profile.
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