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A compliant opt-in process (also called a "Call to Action") is required to get your toll-free number (TFN) verified. A compliant opt-in process means the way you get people’s consent to send them messages. You can only use a business messaging service to send messages to people who've given their explicit consent to receive those messages from you. This applies to all business messaging, including sending to employees.
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If you don’t provide evidence of a compliant opt-in process, your TFN cannot be verified and you won’t be able to keep sending messages. If you don’t currently have a compliant opt-in process, you’ll need to create one to in order to get your TFN verified.
Opt-in language in Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy is NOT considered compliant opt-in. TFNs used for Marketing/Promotional use cases MUST include visual documentation (i.e. screenshot, live URL) of a compliant opt-in process in order to get verified.
Examples of accepted methods of opt-in documentation include:
  • Website opt-in: Screenshot or URL of webform where the client adds number and agrees to receive messaging.
  • Website Posting: Screenshot or URL of where the number is advertised or where the customer finds the number to text in.
  • Keyword or QR Code Opt-in: Screenshot or copy of material showing where customer finds the keyword in order to opt-in to receive messages.
    • If a QR code is provided, please include the URL that the QR code redirects to (ex. opt-in webform or webpage) where the end user provides their phone number with SMS disclosures
    • There’s a legal requirement for businesses to obtain written consent before sending customers promotional text messages when using a keyword as a business must do a double Opt-in process.
    • The customer provides their phone number on a form on a business’ website in exchange for a discount on their first purchase (first opt-in).
    • The business sends them a text message that includes the instruction “Reply YES to receive promotional messages.”
    • The customer replies “YES” (second opt-in).
    • The business now has explicit written consent to send the customer promotional messages.
  • Voice/IVR opt-in: Verbal script and detailed description of process to opt-in.
  • 2FA/OTP: Screenshot of process to receive the initial text.
  • Paper form: Screenshot or copy of form.
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Last update:
‎09-16-2024 10:47 AM
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