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When sending SMS messages, using either the Sinch SMS API or the Conversation API with an SMS channel, you need an API Token and Service Plan ID to authenticate calls to the API. These tokens are created automatically in the Sinch Build Dashboard with each service plan. A Service Plan is assigned to you when you create an account on the Customer Dashboard.


Where can I find my Service Plan ID and API Token


To find your Service Plan ID and API Token:

  1. Log in to the Sinch Build Dashboard.

  2. Select SMS from the left menu and select the Service APIs option. The Service APIs page is displayed:

    NEW SMS ServiceAPIs.jpg

    This page shows you your Service Plans. 

    Your Service Plan ID is displayed in the SERVICE PLAN ID column.

    Your API Token is available in the API TOKEN column but is partially obscured for security. Click Show to reveal it in its entirety.

Note: Most of our endpoints will request your Service Plan, API Token, and Sinch phone number. So, keep them handy.

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Last update:
‎03-26-2025 08:14 AM
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