Here is the list of couriers for which KakaoTalk supports the query of delivery.
List of Couriers Available to Query :
Note: This list is subject to change and depends on the contracts between KakaoTalk and each courier.
Invoice number format:
우체국택배: 13 Numeric or 6 Numeric + 7 Numeric (Separator '-' or '_')
example) 1234567890123, 123456-1234567, 123456_1234567
로젠택배: 11 Numeric or 3 Numeric + 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric (Separator '-' or '_'))
example) 12345678901, 123-1234-1234, 123_1234_1234
일양로지스: 9~11 Numeric
example) 123456789, 1234567890, 12345678901
FedEx: 12 Numeric
example) 123456789012
한진택배: 10 Numeric or 12 Numeric
example) 1234567890, 123456789012
경동택배: 9~16 Numeric or 4 Numeric + 3 Numeric + 6 Numeric (Separator '-')
example) 123456789, 1234567890123456, 1234-123-123456
합동택배: 9~16 Numeric
example) 123456789, 1234567890123456
롯데택배: 12 Numeric or 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric (Separator '-')
example) 123456789012, 1234-1234-1234
농협택배: 12 Numeric
example) 123456789012
호남택배: 10 Numeric
example) 1234567890
천일택배: 11 Numeric
example) 12345678901
대신택배: 13 Numeric
example) 1234567890123
건영택배: 10 Numeric
example) 1234567890
CU편의점택배: 10 Numeric or 12 Numeric or 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric (Separator '-' or '_')
example) 1234567890, 123456789012, 1234-1234-1234, 1234_1234_1234
CVSnet편의점택배: 10 Numeric or 12 Numeric or 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric (Separator '-' or '_')
example) 1234567890, 123456789012, 1234-1234-1234, 1234_1234_1234
한덱스: 10 Numeric or 14 Numeric
example) 1234567890, 12345678901234
TNT Express: 8~9 Numeric
example) 12345678, 123456789
USPS: 10 Numeric or 22 Numeric or 2 capital Alphabet + 9 Numeric + 2 capital Alphabet (No Separator)
example) 1234567890, 1234567890123456789012, AB123456789AB
EMS: 2 capital Alphabet + 9 Numeric + 2 capital Alphabet (No Separator)
example) AB1234567890AB
DHL: 10 Numeric
example) 1234567890
굿투럭: 12 Numeric or 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric + 4 Numeric (Separator '-')
예시) 1234-1234-1234