02:18 PM
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01:52 AM
I have a strange situation, when the same app is installed on 2 devices, I'm able to make a call from device 1 to device 2, but when I call from device 2 to device 1 the call is not getting through.
The caller not trying to push the notification, and I see the following line in the log:
[callclient] Managed push notifications not sent for call: C44CC780-C1FC-42C7-A114-542888A55214 (empty push profile data)
Any ideas?
SDK 5.23.5 dynamic, iOS 16.5.1.
Igor Kogan
08-02-2023 02:02 AM
I have looked at the logs and it looks like you have been swapping users amongst the handsets,
Rather than discuss user names here, I would like to invite you to open a ticket with us here:
Once you have done this please reply on this thread and I will pick the ticket up
08-02-2023 02:26 AM
Just to update you on C44CC780-C1FC-42C7-A114-542888A55214
The user that was called in this case did not have a push token registered against it, so we didn't send one out. A push token should be registered when the client start, is the client actually started on the device?
Please stop and start the client and look in XCode log output for :
2023-08-02 11:13:42.278074+0200 SinchCallKit[765:139515] [client-internal] register push notification device token: {length = 32, bytes = 0x78a9486a 92864b03 208ac59d 61a4f808 ... f93ffa42 b61d80ec }, type: PKPushTypeVoIP, APNS environment: Development,
2023-08-02 11:13:42.278987+0200 SinchCallKit[765:139515] [http] REQUEST 4: Request PUT https://ocra.api.sinch.com/ocra/v1/users/pushtstebf/instances/63bbf4d-3fc2-51c4-b57e-67ad1ba758c7/pushProfile
08-03-2023 05:03 AM
I don't have access to the other phone (which is not registering the token), I'll post an update once I have the log.
About the swapping users amongst the handsets, is it a problem?
I have 2 devices in front of me, sometimes I swap the users intentionally.
It worked fine between the 2 devices.
Thank you,
Igor Kogan
08-03-2023 05:19 AM
It was just an observation, swapping users in not an issue, but its always good practice to use one per device as it would be in a common usual use-case. However you are free to do as you wish. It just makes the logs a little more tricky to filters as both to and from users have used this device.
Please let me know once you have the XCode logs.