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Getting "Failed to create service" when trying to create a new service for SMS

Occasional Contributor

I am trying to test some SMS-sending, we are a customer who use your service in our product for notifications. I haven't used my test accoun in a while. It now says that I need to create a service, but when doing that after selecting the kind (notifications) and the region I just get a "Failed to create service" error message. Seems my account is a bit messed up?



Thanks for your question Tomas, unfortunately Sinch does not allow you to create new services while you are using a test account. If you wish to create more services, you would need to upgrade to the paid version of your account.


Thanks and kind regards,

Alex Mair, SMS Documentation Engineer

Occasional Contributor

Ok, but it seems I don't even have one service. You are supposed to have one to test with right?


My dashboard says

"Oops, sorry about that. Your 2-way number was not provisioned correctly.
Select the test number in the numbers section and retry the SMS provisioning."


Clicking the test number gives me the following message:

"Missing SMS configuration

You are currently missing the correct SMS setup to use this number. Please setup your SMS services."
This then takes me to the Service APIs page where I have no services, and trying to create one gives me the error I described in the previous post.



Hi Tomas, apologies for the inconvenience. I have worked with our support team to investigate your account and you appear to already have a service set up. You may wish to test your service by using our API reference to send a message with your account credentials. (Let me know if you have access to these.)


Additionally, the problems you are experiencing with viewing your service could be due to a dashboard error.  We would advise you to contact as they are best placed to investigate dashboard related issues.


Thanks and kind regards,

Alex Mair, SMS Documentation Engineer

Hi Alexander,


Are you 100% sure the "Batch ID" returned from sending SMS in a batch is the same as "Message ID"?


As I understand, in one (1) "batch", it's possible to send to multiple recipients. That means multiple message in a single batch, each with their own unique message ID.


For instance, suppose I send one "batch" message with two recipients (Jane and John) by using POSTing to the "/batches" endpoint as described here:


That POST will return 1 "Batch ID", but result in 2 SMS message (to Jane and John). In "Message search", there will be 2 separate entries to John's and Jane's phone numbers, with different Message IDs. Correct?


When I send a batch, the format of the Batch ID looks like this: "03E5R4D7P2D2GW1JVTC6TBE3DB".


When I look in Message search, the format of the Message ID looks like this: "1326a43de7000001d82e534b22356eba"


To me it seems Batch ID and Message ID have different formats.


What I'd be looking for here is to not only get the "Batch ID", but also an array of the "Message IDs" as return value to the request.


I've seen it's possible to request "delivery report callback", but that doesn't provide the message ID either. Also, with a callback, it's difficult to correlate the delivery report with the batch command, since the callback is asynchronous and comes later. It's also not desirable that an application developer needs to host an API on the Internet just to get responses.


If you compare with competition, for instance Twilio returns a message ID that you can search for in their "message search".


Can you please check with your developers how Message IDs can be returned as response to a batch request? Also, how to get the Message ID as HTTP response to the original request (as opposed to having to host an API to get an asynchronous callback).


Thanks in advance.


Thanks for you question Mattias. I have checked with the development team and message ID is different from batch ID. However according to the development team, there are a couple of options available for you. An alternative to using a callback is to poll the API by requesting a delivery report. Additionally, if you wish to return an array of messages, we would recommend using the MSISDN rather than the message ID.


Thanks and kind regards,

Alex Mair, SMS Documentation Engineer