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Agents can use notes to add an internal comment or description to a conversation.


To add a free text note:

  1. Go to Conversations > Workspace and open the conversation you wish to add a note to.
  2. In the Conversation details extension, go to the Notes section and place your cursor in the input field.
  3. Add text and press Enter to save it.


If the same comments are used regularly, your admin can define a set of predefined notes for fast and easy selection.


To add a predefined note:

  1. Go to Conversations > Workspace and open the conversation you wish to add a note to.
  2. In the Conversation details extension, go to the Notes section and click the three-line buttonScreenshot 2022-09-15 at 10.10.51.png to the right of the input field.
  3. Select one of the predefined notes from the list. The note text is added into the input field.
  4. Press Enter to save. You can also edit the note first before saving.


See also:

Edit or delete a note

Create predefined notes

Version history
Last update:
‎11-25-2022 02:25 AM
Updated by: