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Agents can edit or delete notes that have already been added to a conversation.


To edit an existing note:

  1. Go to Conversations > Workspace and find the Conversation details extension.
  2. Under the Notes heading, go to the note you wish to change, click the three dotsScreenshot 2022-09-15 at 10.00.38.pngon the left side and select Edit. The note text is now visible in the Notes field where you would normally add a new note.
  3. Edit the text and press enter to save it.


To delete an existing note:

  1. Go to Conversations > Workspace the Conversation details extension.
  2. Under Notes heading, go to the note you wish to delete, click the three dotsScreenshot 2022-09-15 at 10.00.38.pngon the left side and select Delete. A pop up appears.
  3. Confirm deletion by pressing DELETE button.
Version history
Last update:
‎11-25-2022 02:25 AM
Updated by: