Conversations is the part of Engage where all conversations that should be managed by a human agent are handled. The main activities in Conversations are:
Incoming conversations requiring a response or action from a human agent are managed in Conversations. Conversations are assigned to an agent with the right skills, either manually in the Assignments view or automatically via auto-routing. You can configure auto-routing rules in Conversations > Settings > Auto-routing.
See also: Assign a conversation
Workspace is where agents respond to messages and have conversations with customers. Workspace provides the agent with full context of the conversation and customer details, easily available for fast and simple resolution of questions. In addition to text, it's possible to send rich media messages that include for example pictures, sound clips, or PDF files. Predefined reply templates can be used for commonly given responses.
See also: Respond to a conversation
All conversations view is an inventory of all conversations, across all agents, channels, and phases of the life cycle. It allows you to easily find and follow up on any conversation had with a customer.