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When you have picked a conversation, it appears on the Conversations tab in the My Conversations list.




On the conversation’s header, you can see what channel the conversation is coming from and the skills needed. If there are too many required skills to display on the header line, you can see all of them by hovering your cursor over the skills.


For each item in the conversation list, you can see:

  • the customer’s ID (for example, phone number or name)
  • the time passed since the customer’s oldest unanswered message
  • a preview of the customer’s latest message. 

To respond to the customer, type into the chat text box and click chat_send_button.png or Enter on your keyboard to send your message. You can add emojis and attachments by using the buttons under the text box. Read more about sending attachments.





To end the conversation, click END at the top right above the conversation thread. Note: If you end the conversation, you will not be able to return to it unless the customer sends a new message. The new message will end up in the queue again.













Version history
Last update:
‎02-17-2022 12:19 AM
Updated by: