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To share access to the Sinch ID SSO Configuration with other individuals in your organization, log into Sinch ID and click the Domains option under SSO Configuration in the left navigation menuThe Domains page is displayed:




Click the Manage button corresponding to the domain you wish to share access with. The Domain Details page for that domain is displayed:




Select the Domain Owners tab. This tab allows you to invite other users to manage your SSO settings.


Important Note: This has no bearing on users being able to sign in with your IdP - users added, removed, and managed here only pertain to SSO configuration within Sinch ID.


To add a new user, click Invite Domain Owner and providing the user’s email address. The added user will not receive a confirmation email. They will need to refresh Sinch ID and they will be able to see the SSO Configuration options in the left navigation menu.



How do I revoke access to the Sinch ID SSO Configuration with other individuals in my organization?


Users may be removed by clicking on the dropdown to the right of their entry in the All owners table.


There are no roles for Domain Owners, so ensure that you share access carefully. An owner cannot remove themselves, but other owners have full access and may remove any other owner, including the owner who invited them.

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Version history
Last update:
‎12-06-2024 06:18 AM
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