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DB76 is a SMS 365, enterprise service status code, which means ‘Subscriber profile does not permit the service’. This indicates that the end-user has restrictions set on their account.


Possible reasons for DB76


There are a number of reasons why the DB76 status code is returned, some of which along with the actions that should be taken, are detailed below:





End User

The end user’s operator has restrictions set on the account based on the tariff and the associated terms and conditions of the account.

The end user should contact their network operator, to either remove the restrictions in place, or change the contract to a tariff which permits the SMS MT services.

End User

MSISDN is barred

The end user should contact their network operator, to either remove the restrictions in place. The MSISDN may be blacklisted or not permit certain SMS based transactions

End User

End-user cannot be billed, or receive bills.

Certain End-users cannot be billed as they do not have an appropriate billing profile, or require age verification before services can be rendered. In such cases the end user should contact their network operator in order to manage the services which can be subscribed to.

End User

End-user is not registered to the service

The End-user has not opted into the service being provided, and may be subject to local opt-in processes.


Rejected By operator

The operator may restrict services rendered to customers for a variety of reasons. The end-user should contact their network operator to understand the reason and resolve.


Version history
Last update:
‎12-02-2020 03:16 AM
Updated by: