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Newly Added Features for the Inteliquent Portal and API


Portal/API Enhancements Restoring Service to Disconnected Telephone Numbers


We have enabled the ability to restore your disconnected telephone numbers within 60 days of disconnect via the portal screen and tnRestore API. Once you select the telephone number, you follow the normal ordering process for new telephone numbers:





Brand and Campaign Management


You can add your brands and campaigns directly to your account via this portal screen and the API. API support also available via new endpoints in API guide:





Customizable Webhooks and Order Notifications


You can now add additional email notifications for specific order types as well as customize your webhooks to add multiple URLS. API support also available via new endpoints in API guide:





Trunk Group Ordering for DID and Toll-Free


Added functionality to enter trunk group orders via the portal and API. Please note this functionality must be enabled so please email to enable this feature:





Maintenance Calendar


You can refer to our maintenance calendar in the Resources section to view any outages or maintenance being performed on our portal and API. It also displays our holidays:




We appreciate your business and thank you for choosing Inteliquent. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us at

Version history
Last update:
‎12-02-2024 03:27 AM
Updated by: