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Telecommunications Service Providers Must Meet Requirements before November 30, 2021 Deadline


Inteliquent’s goal is to assist and encourage our customers to comply with the Canadian STIR/SHAKEN requirements, so we’re sharing our company’s understanding of those obligations. The following summary is not intended as Inteliquent’s legal advice to you. 

If you have questions, we recommend you contact your legal counsel or the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) online at CRTC Support for Telecommunications Provider or call their Help Desk at 1.866.845.6063 or 819.997.4597. 



What Obligations Do Providers Need to Meet to Comply with the CRTC Order? 


The CRTC Order requires telecommunications service providers (TSPs) to implement the STIR/SHAKEN framework by November 30, 2021. The following criteria apply: 

  • The STIR/SHAKEN implementation requirements apply to all IP-based voice calls (i.e., calls travelling over a TSP’s IP-based network, including any portion of the network enabled to initiate, transit, or terminate IP-based calls).  
  • TSPs are required to file STIR/SHAKEN implementation readiness assessment by August 31, 2021 and to submit ongoing status reports by May 31, 2022 and every six months thereafter (at the end of May and November), providing details about any changes in network capability in relation to the information provided in the TSP’s implementation readiness assessment report.  
  • The status reports due in May must cover from September 1 through February 28. And status reports due in November must cover March 1 through August 31.   
  • The CRTC’s STIR/SHAKEN requirements apply to all Canadian carriers and other telecommunications service providers who provide voice telecommunications services in Canada. Consequently, if the company’s customers also provide voice services in Canada, the STIR/SHAKEN implementation and reporting requirements apply.  


What Is the Status of Canada’s Service Provider Token Eligibility Policy? 

  • Following a complaint from Mitel (a reseller) alleging providers lacking direct access to telephone numbers are unable to access required certificates for STIR/SHAKEN implementation, the CRTC announced on August 5 2021, its expectation for the Canadian Secure Token Governance Authority to develop, within 60 days, the eligibility requirements which “prevent access to STI certificates only for those TSPs who cannot be trusted to maintain the integrity of the STIR/SHAKEN framework” and “collaborate with non-eligible TSPs in the development of new eligibility criteria for access to STI certificates.”   
  • As of August 10, 2021, the Canadian Secure Token Governance Authority has not updated the eligibility criteria, leaving TSPs without direct access to telephone numbers from the Canadian Numbering Administrator unable to implement STIR/SHAKEN in Canada at this time. However, given the CRTC’s order to the Governance Authority, we expect that changes to eligibility criteria will occur soon.   

What Are the TSP Requirements for the Implementation Readiness Report Due by August 31, 2021? 

Appendix 1 of the CRTC Order outlines the requirements for the implementation readiness report due by August 31, 2021. As explained further in the Telecom Commission letter, the STIR/SHAKEN implementation reports can be sent using the CRTC’s GCKey system (an online portal for document submission to the CRTC) or by email directly to  


The Telecom Commission letter also provides a useful template for the report should you need it to provide readiness status on: 

  • The percentage of STIR/SHAKEN-enabled trunks used for IP voice traffic versus total voice trunks .
  • The percentage (by month) of authenticated/verified calls versus total number of voice calls.
  • Statistics identifying tracking by level of authentication (e.g., STIR/SHAKEN attestation level) for calls delivered to customers . 
  • The status and result of the company’s STIR/SHAKEN implementation readiness, including: 
    - Whether the authentication uses an analytic engine or whether the Verstat parameter is sent to the end-user
    - A brief description of the TSP’s IP voice network capacity to:  
            - perform complete intra-network STIR/SHAKEN-compliant calls 
            - authenticate and transmit the authentication information to the next TSP in the call path when originating a call
            - receive and verify the caller ID information when terminating a call
            - send the Verstat parameter to wireless and landline end-users when an analytic engine is not used. 
  • transmit the STIR/SHAKEN information when transiting a call received on an IP interconnection from an upstream TSP and sent on an IP interconnection to a downstream TSP. 
  • Authenticate unsigned calls received from an upstream TSP which either terminates on the TSP’s IP network or sent to a downstream TSP through an IP interconnection. 
  • Handle diverted calls.
  • Handle toll-free calls.
  • Handle emergency calls.
  • Handle legitimate spoofed calls . 
  • A brief description of the status of IP interconnection with other TSPs (e.g. network-to-network interface and user-to-network interface interconnections).
  • A brief description of the TSP’s authentication solution for enterprise clients.
  • The status and results of equipment testing/participation in such tests.

We Here to Help 


Inteliquent’s provided our summary of the CRTC STIR/SHAKEN requirements to outline the TSPs obligations to assist you as you work towards meeting the November 30, 2021 STIR/SHAKEN deadline in Canada. Please note, our synopsis of the CRTC stipulations are as we understand them based on the guidelines we have to date and our interpretation may be inaccurate in certain respects, so please use it for informational purposes only. Additionally, this summary can’t be relied upon as legal advice or a recommendation for your company take, or not take regarding any action and we disclaim any liability. 


The CRTC is expected to update the rules, and future updates may impact a TSP’s obligations. Inteliquent may provide our understanding of these updates as a courtesy to our customers, but we are under no obligation to do so. Once again, we recommend you contact your legal counsel or the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) online at CRTC Support for Telecommunications Provider or call their Help Desk at 1.866.845.6063 or 819.997.4597 if you have questions about these guidelines. 

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Last update:
‎12-10-2024 04:17 AM
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