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unique key identifier in SFMC whatsapp send tracking using a journey

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We are using Sinch for our Salesforce Marketing Cloud WhatsApp sending.

SFMC installed package

We would like to create a report for journeys with WhatsApp sends.

So far I found an option to generate sends report, using Chat Messaging Data Extract:

In order to align it with a specific journey I we need Join the Journey DataExtention with the Chat Messaging report.

But I could not find a unique key to connect both tables, the report has a filed called "SendIdentifier" which is a unique identifier per send. But I was not able to find any way to update the DE with this value for a later Join. If it was an email I could use something like this:


var @Contact_Key, @SendIdentifier

set @Contact_Key = [Contact_Key]

set @ SendIdentifier = AttributeValue(SendIdentifier)

set @insertCount = insertData("JourneyReportDE","Contact_Key", @Contact_Key," SendIdentifier ", @ SendIdentifier)



Using the "jobid" personalization string:

Is there a similar personalization string for "SendIdentifier" or some similar unique key identifier?



Hi Yonatan,
Thanks for your question. We have reviewed and this issue must be submitted to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud team as Sinch has no insights of the JourneyBuilder Data Extension and is not involved in this part of the WhatsApp messaging process.

Thanks and kind regards,
Bipin Patel, WhatsApp Product Manager