When you sign up to the Sinch Build Dashboard a Sinch account and a user account are created for you, which allows you to access the Dashboard, but also enables you to add and invite other users to your account.
To manage users and user roles for your account on the Sinch Dashboard, take the following simple steps:
To remove a user, click the three vertical dots corresponding to the user you want to remove and select the Remove option from the pop up menu :
You will be asked to confirm that you want to remove the user and you will need to enter the verification code that will be sent to your 2FA number to complete the removal process.
To change a user’s role, click the three vertical dots corresponding to the user you want to update and select the Edit option from the pop up menu:
The Edit role dialog is displayed:
Select the new role for the user. Click Update. The user’s new role will be shown in the Users list:
For a full breakdown of each of the roles and what they do, refer to the community article Sinch Build Dashboard User Roles.
Refer to the community article: How do I invite another user to my Sinch Build Dashboard account?
Sinch has a new single sign-on login experience that will allow you to seamlessly login to any existing Sinch services that you may use - Learn more about Sinch ID.