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After you have sent your campaign, you can get access to your campaign analytics. The Statistics page of your campaign is accessible from the platform homepage. It gathers all the performance statistics of your campaign, whether you have sent it to your test or your final contact base.


The Statistics page includes:

  • A summary of the different rates (deliverability, click through, and conversion)
  • A summary of your campaign (date, sender, message, clicks amount and rate)
  • A sending report (contact base uploaded, sent messages, delivered, stops...)
  • Downloadable reports: all statistics (CSV, XLS) and Optout list (Stop SMS)
  • A device report (devices, OS, browsers)
  • A hitmap if you have used Rich landing pages: it displays a preview of your Rich page with the amount of clicks per widget

Note: Currently these analytics are available for the campaigns sent with SMS or MMS. When other channels are added, these analytics may vary.


For more information on Campaigns, view the Sinch Campaigns product page.

Version history
Last update:
‎05-12-2021 04:36 AM
Updated by: