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Note: This article is intended for customers who have access to the following options in the Campaigns menu: All campaigns, Analytics and Settings. If in the campaigns menu you see Newsletter and Settings options, check out this other article.


Schedule a campaign

Follow these steps to schedule a campaign:

  1. After setting up, designing and reviewing the campaign, click Schedule button.

  2. The Schedule campaign dialog box displays:


    Select the timezone for when you want the campaign to be sent.
    Choose the date and time for when the campaign is to be sent.

  3. Review your selection and click Schedule campaign.

After scheduling the campaign, you will see the most recent campaign is scheduled for sending on the Campaigns page. 




Cancel a scheduled campaign

To cancel or stop a scheduled campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Campaigns > All campaigns.

  2. A Campaign list for your project will be displayed.

  3. From the dropdown menu of the scheduled campaign, click Cancel sending. We now have a Canceled campaign.


  4. To reuse this Canceled campaign, click Duplicate from the dropdown menu.


    After clicking on Duplicate, the campaign can now be edited.

Version history
Last update:
‎11-14-2023 06:19 PM
Updated by: