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For developers integrating SMS functionality into their app, Sinch SDKs provide a convenient alternative to the SMS REST API.

Sinch SDKs offer a consistent standardized framework for functionality to address problems like pagination, error code response and language familiarity regardless of the underlying API setup. For example, two common approaches to pagination are page-based and token. Depending on the API, there are pros and cons to each approach. However, in our SDKs, we provide a single iterator object you can use to parse through your results.

Our client is centralized around a single authentication model, ensuring support for all actively supported language versions, and reducing reliance on third-party libraries.

The SMS SDK allows you to quickly start interacting with the Sinch SMS API using your favorite programming languages. Currently we support the following languages:

*If you'd like to get started using the legacy Java SDK, click here.

For more information about our SDKs visit the Sinch SDK Overview page.

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Last update:
‎04-12-2024 07:40 AM
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