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CP pop-out window feature broken


This affects embedded Communication Panel (CP) use with the pop-out window. This doesn’t affect:

  • normal CP use in a standalone browser window or tab
  • embedded CP that doesn’t use the pop-out window



When a host application embeds CP, the embedded CP inside iFrame can no longer talk with the pop-out CP. This happens because the browser now considers the messages from BroadcastChannel (which the pop-out CP uses) from within iFrame to be originating from the top-level domain and not the iFrame’s domain. BroadcastChannel messages can be received only within the same domain. Therefore listeners on side no longer receive the messages and the pop-out CP can’t synch with the embedded CP.


To fix pop-out CP and My Conversations view, disable the setting for some browser, for example Edge, and then dedicate that browser for using the host app and CP:

  • Chrome: chrome://flags/#third-party-storage-partitioning -> set value to Disabled.
  • Edge: edge://flags/#third-party-storage-partitioning > set value to Disabled.
  • Firefox: Disable setting privacy.antitracking.enableWebcompat.

The setting can’t be updated via a Group Policy so you need to do this on each computer.


The issue is caused by a security feature. The purpose of this new feature is to prevent websites from tracking people’s browsing habits. But it also affects legitimate use of BroadcastChannel and other APIs. For more information, see storage partitioning.



Hi All, 

I would like to share additional information on this topic. 


A call offering scenario exists where the pop out Communication Panel is not able to accept calls and so automatically rejects the offering.


This occurs when the user initiates the popout Communication Panel while a call is being offered - until SIP is registered the agent is not able to answer the call from the popout. RCA is that pop out Communication Panel has not loaded phone capabilities yet and is in process of loading the capabilities. 


There are two workarounds for the issue:

1. Set agent status to not ready before initializing the popout

2. Sign agent out from call queues before initializing the popout 



Jukka Suhonen, Contact Pro Senior Product Engineer